个人简介:陈威,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,湖北工业大学南湖学者学术骨干,主要从事工程混凝土结构防护、修复加固及高分子复合材料的研究,主持国家重点研发计划子课题、湖北省自然科学基金等项目,参与国家自然科学基金、国防科工委项目多项,在Progress in Organic Coating、Construction and Building Materials等国内外期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,以第一发明人授权国家发明专利10余项,担任国际知名期刊Composites Part B、Construction and Building Materials 审稿人。
1. 2020.1-2022.12,基于机械力-化学动态干预的固废硅-铝-氧网络结构高效预解聚机理,十三五国家重点研发计划子课题,项目编号:2019YFC1907101-02,主持
2. 2022.06-2024.06,碳纤维/MXene@中空粒子复合材料的多尺度构筑及电磁屏蔽调控机制研究,湖北省自然科学基金,项目编号:2022CFB985,主持
3. 2019.06-2021.05,碳纤维复合材料的电磁性能调控及机理研究,湖北工业大学博士科研启动基金,项目编号:BSQD2019039,主持
4. 2014.1-2017.12,混杂碳毡复合材料短波频段选择性透过特性研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:51373129,参与
1. Chen W, Wu Z, He X*, et al. Mussel-bionic composite coatings based on biomass polyurethane and its adhesive mechanisms of humid interface with cementitious materials. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2024, 186: 108001.
2. Chen W, Song X, He X*, et al. Durability improvement mechanism of polymer cement protective coating based on functionalized MXene nanosheets modified polyacrylate emulsion. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2024, 186: 108021.
3. Chen W, Wu Z, He X*, et al. Achieving superior anti-corrosion properties of vinyl ester resin coatings via compositing with 3-methacryloxy propyl trimethoxysilane functionalized MXene nanosheets. Polymer Testing, 2023, 127: 108203.
4. Chen W, Wu Z, Xie Y, et al. Fabrication of silane and nano-silica composite modified Bio-based WPU and its interfacial bonding mechanism with cementitious materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 371: 130819.
5. Chen W, Li L, Lai Z, et al. Simultaneously enhanced mechanical and electromagnetic interference shielding properties of steel slag-recycled carbon fiber cementitious composites via wet-grinding process. Materials and Structures, 2023, 56(10): 182.
6. Chen W, Zhen B, Xie Y, et al. Microwave Absorption and Mechanical Properties of Short-cutted Carbon Fiber/glass Fiber Hybrid Veil Reinforced Epoxy Composites. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2023, 38(1): 248-254.
7. Chen W, Zheng X, He X*, et al. Achieving full effective microwave absorption in X band by double-layered design of glass fiber epoxy composites containing MWCNTs and Fe3O4 NPs. Polymer Testing, 2020, 86: 106448.
8. Chen W, Qin Y, He X*, et al. Light-weight carbon fiber/silver-coated hollow glass spheres/epoxy composites as highly effective electromagnetic interference shielding material. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2022, 41(13-14): 497-508.
9. Chen W, Peng K, Wang J, et al. Enhanced microwave absorption properties of nickel-coated carbon fiber/glass fiber hybrid epoxy composites-towards an industrial reality. Materials Research Express, 2020, 6(12): 126324.
10. Chen W,Wang J*, Wang T, et al. Electromagnetic interference shielding properties of nickel-coated carbon fiber veil/acid-functionalized MWCNTs/epoxy multiscale composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2015, 34(13): 1029-1039.